Free from Hangovers
Free from Paranoia
Free from Hangxiety


Are you questioning your relationship with alcohol and worried that you’re drinking too much or too often – would you like to break Free from the Negative Alcohol Cycle?

I am an accredited sober coach and I help women like you break free from the negative alcohol cycle so that you can prioritise the things in life that matter to you like your family and your well-being and be fully present and enjoy every moment. I’m here to totally guide and support you through the first weeks so that you can start to be authentically you. There is absolutely nothing to loose and so much to gain.

Press the CONTACT US button below and set up a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call to see if you feel we are a good fit to work with each other. The conversation is Non Judgemental and totally confidential

Contact Us

You don’t need to have had a rock bottom moment to know you need to do something about it. I help women like you learn to put themselves first again and break the negative cycle so that you can address your relationship with alcohol. Whatever your goal is, I can help you get there.

So many of us are trying to be as healthy as possible but quite often we ignore the one thing that would make all the difference: the amount of alcohol we’re drinking?

Life without booze is fantastic, the mental and physical health benefits are huge and no glass of wine tastes as good as sobriety feels – there is nothing to loose and everything to gain. Freedom is just around the corner.

About Us

Coaching Packages

  • 1 hour motivational conversation – £60.00
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  • 4 coaching sessions £200.00 to be used within 6 weeks
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  • 6 coaching sessions £300.00 to be used within 10 weeks
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