Free from Hangovers
Free from Paranoia
Free from Hangxiety

About Me

About Me

About Me

Working in the record industry in my 20’s, alcohol became very much part of the social culture. This continued in my 30’s when I became a Mum. My treat at the end of a busy day was that glass of wine that became 2 or 3 glasses.

Every year I used to do ‘Dry January’ and then every February I would start drinking again. I knew it was having an impact on my well-being, my mental health and my relationships. I used to wake up with that awful paranoia about what I had said or done the night before, and I knew that the next day I was snappy and had no patience with my children. I knew I wasn’t an alcoholic but I also knew that it wasn’t my friend and I needed to do something about it.

Following a very indulgent all inclusive holiday in August 2019, I knew I had to do something. The first few weeks were hard, but I was determined to stick with it and gradually everything became so much easier. My mental health improved beyond measure, my skin improved, my sleep improved, my relationships improved, I was a much nicer Mum and I had so much more free time that I could start to do the things I loved, not to mention the amount of money I saved.

I am so passionate about helping people realise that they can be themselves and have the life they want without the booze. We just need to break the cycle to be free.

I am a qualified sober coach, certified by the Sober Club and the IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine).